University of Gothenburg

The University of Gothenburg is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. The university has over 28,000 student in undergraduate and graduate programs. Additionally, the university has over 2,000 research students. Gothenburg has a significant outreach to international students and researchers. In particular, the Gothenburg Atmospheric Science Centre, Marine Research Centre, Center for the Environment and Sustainability, Research Mathematical Science, BioMaterials Research Center, Mucosal Immunity and Vaccines, Cardiovascular and Metabollic Medicine and more. The University of Gothenburg works in cooperation with the Chalmers University of Technology and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Gothenburg is well-respected in Europe and world-wide as a first rate research center.

PO Box 100 SE-405 30 Gothenburg SWEDEN

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Silent stress among children at the dentist

Children are very stressed by anesthetics injected into the mouth before tooth extraction, in connection with orthodontic treatment. In a study by the University of Gothenburg, a technique was tested to monitor stress levels ...

Health informatics

AI camera could help doctors identify serious infections

It might soon be possible to measure a patient's pulse, breathing, and blood pressure simply by scanning their face. This technology could offer a future tool for quickly assessing the severity of acute infection and other ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Low stress resilience is linked to increased risk of psoriasis

Young adults who find it harder to cope with stress are more likely to develop psoriasis later in life. Low stress resilience when enlisting for military service involves a 31% higher risk of developing psoriasis compared ...


Study shows hybrid pumps work very well in type 1 diabetes

Blood sugar levels improve when adults with type 1 diabetes use modern insulin pumps. These are the findings of a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg. Patients are also overwhelmingly positive about the treatment.

Medical research

Patient images are missing in studies on atopic dermatitis

Scientific articles on the common skin condition atopic dermatitis contain almost no images of patients, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. More images would make it easier for patients to participate ...

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