Page 2 - University of Guelph

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Discovery may point to Parkinson's disease therapies

A new discovery by University of Guelph researchers may ultimately help in devising new therapies and improving quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease.

Autism spectrum disorders

Scientists develop first vaccine to help control autism symptoms

A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers for gut bacteria common in autistic children may also help control some autism symptoms. The groundbreaking study by Brittany Pequegnat and Guelph chemistry ...


Study finds herbal products omit ingredients, contain fillers

Consumers of natural health products beware. The majority of herbal products on the market contain ingredients not listed on the label, with most companies substituting cheaper alternatives and using fillers, according to ...

Overweight & Obesity

Fathers missing in childhood obesity interventions, study finds

Research shows that fathers play an important role in their children's eating and physical activity habits, but a new study has found that dads are rarely included in family-based interventions designed to prevent childhood ...

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