Page 4 - University of Hertfordshire

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research reveals happiness is related to napping

Research carried out by psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire for the Edinburgh International Science Festival has revealed the surprising relationship between napping and happiness.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Women more severely affected by Alzheimer's than men

Women with Alzheimer's have poorer cognitive abilities than men at the same stage of the disease, reveal academics from the University of Hertfordshire in a paper published in World Journal of Psychiatry today.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Patients with anorexia feel less bodily pleasure

Patients with anorexia nervosa perceive physical touch in social interactions as less pleasurable than healthy people of the same age, reveals new research by University of Hertfordshire PhD student Laura Crucianelli. The ...

Overweight & Obesity

Retailers contributing to obesity crisis

Banning fast food shops near schools won't be enough to tackle childhood obesity, University of Hertfordshire academics revealed today. With secondary school pupils travelling further afield to buy foods high in fat and sugar, ...


New worldwide regulatory framework proposed for pharmaceuticals

Professor Sam Salek at the University of Hertfordshire has today (1st June) published a "universal framework" for global regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry to use when weighing up the benefits versus risks ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Ketamine found to alleviate depression

Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire have found that Ketamine, which has a reputation as an illicit 'recreational' drug, has an extremely large depression reducing effect. Although Ketamine has been in medical use ...

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