Page 6 - University of Hertfordshire

Psychology & Psychiatry

CBT is not an effective treatment for symptoms of schizophrenia

Health organisations around the world recommend a form of psychotherapy, known as cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT, for patients with schizophrenia. Now, however, the most extensive study ever undertaken into its effect ...


Tribunals needed for assisted suicide in the UK

A new tribunal-style system to provide sympathetic and speedy consideration for each and every terminally-ill patient who wishes to end their lives is needed according to Claudia Carr, from the University of Hertfordshire's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women are significantly better at multitasking than men

(Medical Xpress)—Women are better than men at carrying out multiple tasks according to new research from a team of psychologists including researchers from the University of Hertfordshire.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depressed people have a more accurate perception of time

People with mild depression underestimate their talents.  However, new research led by the University of Hertfordshire shows that depressed people are more accurate when it comes to time estimation than their happier peers.


What do you do in your kitchen?

Understanding what people do in their kitchens and why will inform thinking about how to reduce the burden from illness caused by food prepared and eaten at home, according to a new report by University of Hertfordshire researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Interviewers' gestures mislead child-witnesses

Children can easily be led to remember incorrect information through misleading gestures from adults, according to researchers from the University of Hertfordshire. These findings are being presented this week at the British ...


Youth violence declining in UK

Physical violence among young people is on the decline overall in nearly thirty countries including the UK, according to a new international study involving researchers from the University of Hertfordshire.


Report shows improvment in child health in England

(Medical Xpress)—Research published today gives an improved picture of child health in England. Young people in England were eating more fruit and smoking less and fewer were overweight.

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