Page 7 - University of Hertfordshire


New worldwide regulatory framework proposed for pharmaceuticals

Professor Sam Salek at the University of Hertfordshire has today (1st June) published a "universal framework" for global regulatory agencies and the pharmaceutical industry to use when weighing up the benefits versus risks ...


Robots for stroke rehabilitation

Researchers at the University of Hertfordshire and a team of European partners have developed a prototype of a robotic glove which stroke suffers can use in their own home to support rehabilitation and personal independence ...


Tribunals needed for assisted suicide in the UK

A new tribunal-style system to provide sympathetic and speedy consideration for each and every terminally-ill patient who wishes to end their lives is needed according to Claudia Carr, from the University of Hertfordshire's ...


What do you do in your kitchen?

Understanding what people do in their kitchens and why will inform thinking about how to reduce the burden from illness caused by food prepared and eaten at home, according to a new report by University of Hertfordshire researchers ...


Report shows improvment in child health in England

(Medical Xpress)—Research published today gives an improved picture of child health in England. Young people in England were eating more fruit and smoking less and fewer were overweight.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Dementia patients need urgent support after diagnosis

There is an urgent need for support from outside the family after diagnosis of dementia according to a study led by researchers from the University of Hertfordshire.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Happiness: it's not in the jeans

(Medical Xpress) -- You may throw on an outfit without much thought in the morning, but your choice is strongly affected by your mood. And the item of casual wear in almost everyone’s wardrobe – denim jeans – ...

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