Page 4 - University of Houston

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study links Facebook use to depressive symptoms

The social media site, Facebook, can be an effective tool for connecting with new and old friends. However, some users may find themselves spending quite a bit of time viewing Facebook and may inevitably begin comparing what's ...


B cells gone bad could be the culprit in rheumatoid arthritis

Biomolecular researcher Navin Varadarajan has published in Arthritis & Rheumatology journal a first-of-its-kind study—a comprehensive profile of B cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). B cells are lymphocytes, or white blood ...

Medical research

Study hints at antioxidant treatment for high blood pressure

High blood pressure affects more than 70 million Americans and is a major risk factor for stroke, heart failure and other renal and cardiovascular diseases. Two University of Houston College of Pharmacy researchers are examining ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Returning vets' alcohol abuse addressed in virtual reality study

The spoils of war for returning veterans may include addictions, injury and the constant images of horrific events they witnessed. Now a University of Houston joint study funded by the Veterans Health Administration Rehabilitation ...

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