Page 5 - University of Kentucky

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Knee pain? Genicular artery embolization can offer relief

Of all the joints in the body, the knees get the most wear and tear. Decades of walking, running, sitting, jumping and other activities can take a toll on the cartilage—the smooth tissue between the bones—leading to osteoarthritis. ...


Infantile botulism: Look for these signs and symptoms

You have probably heard of food-borne botulism illness in adults, but there is a very rare version of botulism that occurs in infants as well. This illness poses different risks in infants than it does in adults, so it's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to find a balance with shift work, sleep and mental health

Many shift workers work outside of the typical 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. traditional daytime working hours. Nontraditional shiftwork can include working rotational shifts, fixed night shifts, or extended days. According to data from ...

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