Page 3 - University of Konstanz


Long-term prevention of organ rejection

The Konstanz immunologist Professor Marcus Groettrup and his team have developed a procedure for preventing organ rejection in rats after renal transplantation, and for suppressing the creation of antibodies in the recipients' ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

On the trail of Parkinson's disease

The molecular causes of diseases such as Parkinson's need to be understood as a first step towards combating them. University of Konstanz chemists working alongside Professor Malte Drescher recently succeeded in analysing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The effect of football results on the well-being of viewers

Psychologists at the University of Konstanz have determined that football results can raise the immediate sense of well-being for viewers, but are unlikely to sustain it in the longer-term. Through a specially-designed smartphone ...


A general influenza vaccine

New vaccination method for lasting protection against all known influenza mutations in preclinical testing phase—potentially effective also against SARS-CoV-2—joint research project of the University of Konstanz, University ...

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