Page 2 - University of Lincoln


How can gardening improve your mood

From keen weekend horticulturalists to those who take things more seriously, millions of people in the UK enjoy getting out into the garden—with gardening ranked among the most popular hobbies in the country. Gardeners ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Back in black for singletons trying to find love

Black beats red as the colour of choice when it comes to finding new love, according to new research based on the hit TV series First Dates, which shows that single people wear more of the darker hue when meeting a potential ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First proof a synthesized antibiotic is capable of treating superbugs

A "game changing" new antibiotic which is capable of killing superbugs has been successfully synthesised and used to treat an infection for the first time—and could lead to the first new class of antibiotic drug in 30 years.

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