Page 5 - University of Luxembourg

Psychology & Psychiatry

If you become poor can you ever be happy again?

(Medical Xpress)—Becoming poor makes people feel unhappy immediately due to the loss of income and status and this does not improve, even over the long term. This was the key finding of research* by University of Luxembourg ...


Waiting for a donor heart: Motion prolongs survival

For many people with advanced cardiac insufficiency, a heart transplant may be their only hope. e. But waiting for a donor heart to come along is a race against time. Patients who remains active and stay in good shape psychologically ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

PD Map: Putting together the pieces of the Parkinson's puzzle

Parkinson's disease continues to puzzle physicians and biologists alike - even though it is well-established that symptoms like muscle tremors, rigidity, and, during the final stages, immobility can all be traced back to ...

Medical research

Researchers discover endogenous antibiotic in the brain

Scientists from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have discovered that immune cells in the brain can produce a substance that prevents bacterial growth: namely itaconic acid. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study confirms link between school climate and violence

School violence is a very important social issue world-wide. It poses a significant threat to the health, achievement, and well-being of students. Although the most highly published incidents involve serious physical violence, ...

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