Page 3 - University of Massachusetts Medical School


Diabetes risk reduced among Latinos in UMass clinical study

An inexpensive, culturally sensitive diabetes prevention program created by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School reduced pre-diabetes indicators in a Latino population at risk for developing diabetes. ...


Changing behavior through synaptic engineering

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School are the first to show that it's possible to reverse the behavior of an animal by flipping a switch in neuronal communication. The research, published in PLOS Biology, ...


Pilot clinical study to test 'Sugar' diabetes app

An advanced smartphone application developed at Worcester Polytechnic Institute to help people with diabetes better manage their weight and blood sugar level and assess the status of chronic foot ulcers, is entering a pilot ...


Motor neuron toxin associated with ALS identified

An international team of investigators has discovered that an inorganic polyphosphate released by nerve cells known as astrocytes in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) contributes ...

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