Page 31 - University of Missouri

Oncology & Cancer

Promising new drug development could treat cachexia

According to the National Cancer Institute, nearly one-third of cancer deaths can be attributed to a wasting syndrome known as cachexia. Cachexia, an indicator of the advanced stages of disease, is a debilitating disorder ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Money a barrier to independence for young adults with autism

More than 3 million people in the United States are estimated to have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis and annual diagnosis rates continue to rise. Researchers from the University of Missouri have found when teenagers ...

Medical research

New imaging technique shows effectiveness of cystic fibrosis drug

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, more than 30,000 Americans are living with the disorder. It currently has no cure, though a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration treats the underlying cause of the ...

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