Page 38 - University of Missouri


Playground zoning increases physical activity during recess

Most grade school students are likely to claim recess as their favorite period of the day; however, in many cases recess still can be sedentary with students not engaging in enough physical activity. Now researchers from ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kindergarteners' mathematics success hinges on preschool skills

While many studies have been conducted on infants' and preschoolers' math competencies, few have evaluated how toddlers' basic mathematics knowledge relates to early elementary school success. Now, in a study funded by the ...

Medical research

Promising new drug could help treat spinal muscular atrophy

According to studies, approximately one out of every 40 individuals in the United States is a carrier of the gene responsible for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a neurodegenerative disease that causes muscles to weaken over ...

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