Page 14 - University of Montreal


Researchers create a novel method of bioprinting neuron cells

A group of researchers including a Concordia Ph.D. student have developed a new method of bioprinting adult neuron cells. They're using a new laser-assisted technology that maintains high levels of cell viability and functionality.


Cannabis: Sexually diverse youths with depression use more

It's no secret that studies show that sexually diverse youth—in particular, lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) youth—use more cannabis and experience more mental health challenges than their heterosexual peers.

Oncology & Cancer

Promising new research on aggressive breast cancer

Better treatments of HER2-positive breast cancer are closer at hand, thanks to new research by a team led by Université de Montréal professor Jean-François Côté at the cytoskeleton organization and cell-migration research ...


Phantom noises and hypersensitivity to sound: Tech to the rescue?

Imagine it's night, you're lying in bed, all is quiet. But you keep hearing what sounds like whistling, or buzzing, or sizzling. Or your partner is washing the dishes beside you and you find the clanking of the plates unbearable.


A brand new cocktail to fight HIV

Researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) and Yale University have succeeded in reducing the size of the HIV reservoir in humanized mice by using a "molecular can opener" and a combination ...

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