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Psychology & Psychiatry

How fear transforms into anxiety

A deadly coronavirus pandemic, economic instability and civil unrest menace the mental well-being of millions. Understanding how, in vulnerable people, fear from such frightening events evolves into lifelong anxiety, is critical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cannabis offers immediate relief from symptoms of depression: study

Depression is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S., affecting roughly one in five adults and is at the core of numerous other health conditions including cancer, substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, ...


The key to a better mood for young men is a nut

College can be a stressful time for young adults as they figure out how to manage intense daily routines that include work, study and play. Eat well, exercise and get plenty of sleep is a familiar mantra to alleviate this ...

Medical research

New technology allows hair to reflect almost any color

What if you could alter your hair to reflect any color in the spectrum? What if you could use a flatiron to press a pattern into your new hair color? Those are possibilities suggested by researchers from the University ...


Making people smarter through brain stimulation

Brain stimulation used to be just a cool idea in science fiction movies, novels and other hard to believe tales when human subjects were stimulated using electrical currents and achieved near super-human feats. But now, thanks ...


Study reveals cost benefits in housing the homeless

The University of New Mexico Institute for Social Research conducted a study for the City of Albuquerque on the cost and benefits of housing the homeless in the city. Results of the Albuquerque Heading Home Initiative reveal ...

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