Page 13 - University of New South Wales

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we like to play violent video games?

Video games aren't just a hobby for kids or teens. People of all ages and genders from all walks of life play them, and they're available in nearly every home, handbag and pocket around the world.


Why plant-based 'milks' are rising to the top

If you've been to any supermarket recently, you would've noticed the shelf space dedicated to milk alternatives such as oat, soy, almond and rice is expanding. Though they're not strictly speaking "milk," these plant-based ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

By June, almost half of Aussies had recently had COVID-19

It is estimated that by early June, at least 46% of the adult Australian population had acquired infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to results released today from Australia's most recent ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding and reframing the fear of rejection

If there's one thing for sure, it's that life doesn't always go our way. A rejection, no matter the circumstance or size, can be painful, but it is something we all experience at some stage in our lives.

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