Page 10 - University of Otago

Oncology & Cancer

Nitrate levels in drinking water may be related to bowel cancer

The formation of cancer-causing chemicals in the gut could be at the heart of understanding how high levels of nitrate in our drinking water contribute to increasing the risk of bowel (colorectal) cancer, New Zealand researchers ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Hormone found to regulate mothers' behavior

University of Otago researchers have discovered a new function for the hormone prolactin—it limits a new mom's investment in aggressive behavior and instead focuses them on interacting with their babies.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Smokefree policies widely ignored in hospital mental health units

Staff on many psychiatric wards are ignoring hospital smoke-free policies, believing mental health service users will be more aggressive and violent if they are not allowed to smoke, a study from the University of Otago, ...

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