Page 11 - University of Otago

Oncology & Cancer

Nitrate levels in drinking water may be related to bowel cancer

The formation of cancer-causing chemicals in the gut could be at the heart of understanding how high levels of nitrate in our drinking water contribute to increasing the risk of bowel (colorectal) cancer, New Zealand researchers ...

Overweight & Obesity

Maori obesity linked to various factors in study

Spiritual beliefs, cultural practices and the impacts of colonisation may make it harder for Māori to stick to the typical diet and exercise advice for reducing weight, a University of Otago PhD candidate has found.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Eliminating COVID-19: what the world can learn from NZ and Taiwan

Both Taiwan and New Zealand have successfully eliminated COVID-19 with world-leading pandemic responses. By taking a particularly proactive approach, Taiwan's response was probably the most effective and least disruptive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cannabis helps those with spinal cord injuries escape pain

Using cannabis helps people with spinal cord injuries better tolerate almost constant and excruciating pain and participate in community and family life without feeling like 'zombies', a new study has found.

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