Page 9 - University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing


How Tweets may influence substance abuse in youth

Substance use by youth remains a significant public health concern. While social media provides youth the opportunity to discuss and display substance use-related beliefs and behaviors, little is known about how posting drug-related ...


Breastfeeding benefits during COVID-19

While the current coronavirus pandemic continues to affect all people, families will still give birth and bring new life into the world. During the COVID-19 crisis, breastfeeding and the provision of human milk to infants ...


Curbing the rising toll of adults with complex care needs

Data show that the number of people with clinically complex health and social needs is growing. Programs designed to support these adults have fallen short and the healthcare system is becoming overtaxed by these "super-utilizers".


Firearm violence solutions from a public health perspective

While firearm violence is a major public health challenge in the United States, it has often been considered a law enforcement issue with only law enforcement solutions. An article by two University of Pennsylvania researchers ...


Improved work environments enhance patient and nurse satisfaction

Healthcare provider burnout is a mounting public health crisis with up to half of all physicians and one in three nurses reporting high burnout, data show. Burnout rates among nurses also correlate with lower patient satisfaction. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A brain link to STI/HIV sexual risk

Data show that young adult women in the United States have high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that increase their risk of HIV. Though epidemiologic and behavioral factors for risk have been studied, we know ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Improving trauma pain outcomes

Improving acute pain management after traumatic injury remains a priority for policymakers and clinicians as rates of injury and subsequent pain-related disability rise nationally. Yet, innovations in trauma pain management ...

Overweight & Obesity

Quality of life changes after weight loss

Obesity increases a number of adverse health consequences including reduced health-related quality of life. But little is known about the relationship between weight loss and changes in quality of life.


Fighting the HIV epidemic

Stigma is an important contributor to the continued HIV epidemic in the United States. While pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that can be taken to prevent HIV infection, previous research has shown that a barrier ...

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