Page 5 - University of Saskatchewan


Respirologist discusses health risks of vaping

Dr. Erika Penz (MD), a respirologist in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), addressed the topic of vaping at a recent MEDTalks public lecture, hosted by the college's alumni association.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study links high stillbirth rates worldwide to gender inequality

In the first comprehensive study mapping global patterns of stillbirth rates, University of Saskatchewan (USask) researchers have found that pregnant women who are poor and have lower access to education and employment are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Better apps might improve health, study finds

Ever wondered why after a while you got tired of using that weight loss or meditation app on your phone? For Max Birk, a University of Saskatchewan recent Ph.D. graduate, the answer could be that you need a customizable avatar ...


Concussion symptoms reversed by magnetic therapy

Concussion symptoms—such as loss of balance, hazy comprehension, sleep disturbance and ability to walk straight—can be reversed by a new type of magnetic stimulation, research at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pep talks secret to better sporting performance

Giving oneself a pep talk may be key to improving female athletes' sporting performance and mental health, new University of Saskatchewan research shows.

Radiology & Imaging

'Deep learning' software automatically detects diseases

University of Saskatchewan PhD student Yi Wang developed software that can get higher image quality. It improves current computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) technology, which assists doctors to detect diseases from medical imaging ...

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