Page 5 - University of Southern Denmark

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Researchers discover why Listeria bacterium is so hard to fight

The harmful and potentially deadly bacterium Listeria is extremely good at adapting to changes. Now research from University of Southern Denmark uncovers exactly how cunning Listeria is and why it is so hard to fight. The ...

Medical research

Breakthrough in understanding of important blood protein

The human body contains a unique protein that has the unusual property of destroying itself after a few hours of existence - it must therefore be continually recreated and is no stable protein. The protein, called PAI-1, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Omega-3 fatty acids can neutralize listeria

Certain fatty acids are not only part of a healthy diet—they can also neutralise the harmful listeria bacterium, a new study shows. This discovery could eventually lead to improved methods to combat dangerous and drug-resistant ...


Nasal spray may soon replace the pill

When the doctor gives us medicine, it is often in the shape of a pill. But when it comes to brain diseases, pills are actually an extremely inefficient way to deliver drugs to the brain, and according to researchers from ...


Girls with high level of vitamin D have stronger muscles

Girls are stronger with higher levels of vitamin D, but this association is not found in boys. These are the results from a new large study from the Odense Child Cohort, recently published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology ...

Overweight & Obesity

Scientists closing in on new obesity drug

Obesity and diabetes are among the fastest growing health problems in the world, and the hunt is in for a pill that can fight the problem. Now a Danish/British team has come up with a smart tool that will speed up the scientific ...

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