Page 3 - University of Tennessee at Knoxville

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study: Sepsis survivors require follow-up support

Survivors of sepsis—a life-threatening response to an infection—have expressed a need for advocacy and follow-up support, according to a study authored by professors at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Get your game face on: Study finds it may help

At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Michael Phelps was caught on camera glaring as he prepared for the men's 200-meter butterfly final. The look, popularly known as Phelps face, became an example of a concept that has long been familiar ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research sheds light on how happy couples argue

In marriage, conflict is inevitable. Even the happiest couples argue. And research shows they tend to argue about the same topics as unhappy couples: children, money, in-laws, intimacy.


Study shows new moms may be vulnerable to 'sharenting'

Whether they need to commiserate about the trials of parenthood, get advice, or simply brag about their youngsters' achievements, today's parents often turn to an ever-ready forum: social media.

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