Page 2 - University of Toronto Mississauga

Medical research

Biomarkers dramatically improve success rates of new cancer drugs

In recent decades there have been some big advances in developing new cancer medicines, such as Herceptin, the targeted drug to treat women diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer. Despite these successes, cancer remains ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study delves into COVID-19 dreams

How are you sleeping? If you've been having strange dreams or lingering nightmares during the pandemic, you're not alone.


Pandemic exposes deep flaws in Canadian home care system

The pandemic has infiltrated long-term care facilities, infecting staff and residents alike and resulting in scores of deaths. Now one U of T Mississauga sociologist is sounding the alarm for a hidden population that is also ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Chinese-born seniors share views on elder abuse

A new study from U of T Mississauga highlights an important information gap that may leave some seniors in Canada vulnerable to abuse and neglect.

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