Page 13 - University of Utah Health Sciences


Cell therapy may mend damaged hearts, study says

End-stage heart failure patients treated with stem cells harvested from their own bone marrow experienced 37 percent fewer cardiac events - including deaths and hospital admissions related to heart failure - than a placebo-controlled ...


Ancient viral invaders in our DNA help fight today's infections

About eight percent of our DNA is viral in origin: remnants of ancient battles between infectious viruses and our ancestors. These so-called endogenous viruses are often perceived as a mere oddity with no clear biological ...


Tool decreases superfluous lab testing, cuts health-care costs

Anyone who's spent a night in a hospital knows the drill: In comes a phlebotomist, first thing in the morning, for lab tests. Physicians have long recognized that lab testing isn't necessary for all hospitalized patients ...


Why online doctor ratings are good medicine

A growing number of health consumers are consulting online physician-rating sites when choosing doctors even if the value of those sites—whether they're reliable sources for information, or capable of driving improvements ...

Oncology & Cancer

Possible new mechanism for aspirin's role in cancer prevention

Aspirin has been shown to decrease the risk of colorectal cancer and possibly other cancers. However, the risk of side effects, including in some cases severe gastrointestinal bleeding, makes it necessary to better understand ...

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