Page 9 - University of Utah


What is the cost of interrupting a radiologist?

A first of its kind study shows typical interruptions experienced by on-call radiologists do not reduce diagnostic accuracy but do change what they look at and increase the amount of time spent on a case.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tracking the impact of early abuse and neglect

Children who experience abuse and neglect early in life are more likely to have problems in social relationships and underachieve academically as adults.


New app motivates type 2 diabetes patients to be more active

As the holidays draw to a close, 29 million Americans with type 2 diabetes had to navigate the minefield of treats, drinks, and dinners. Many patients have stepped up to meet the challenge of moderating their diet, but fewer ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is he really that into you?

Women who grow up without a caring father, or who even are reminded of painful and disappointing experiences with their father, see more sexual intent in men.

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