Page 2 - University of Utah


Scientists restore youthful plasticity to the brains of adult mice

Like much of the rest of the body, the brain loses flexibility with age, impacting the ability to learn, remember, and adapt. Now, scientists at University of Utah Health report they can rejuvenate the plasticity of the mouse ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Newly discovered brain mechanism linked to anxiety, OCD

The pandemic and its aftermath have raised anxiety to new levels. But the roots of anxiety-related conditions, including obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder (OCSD), are still unclear. In a new study, University of Utah ...

Medical research

Sugar is toxic to mice in 'safe' doses, study says

When mice ate a diet of 25 percent extra sugar – the mouse equivalent of a healthy human diet plus three cans of soda daily – females died at twice the normal rate and males were a quarter less likely to hold territory ...


Risk of autism associated with when and where forebears lived

When and where are often vital clues for epidemiologists, the medical detectives who help solve the underlying mysteries of disease. The technique dates back to at least 19th century London, where a physician named John Snow ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

SARS-CoV-2-like particles very sensitive to temperature

Winter is coming in the northern hemisphere and public health officials are asking how the seasonal shift will impact the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19?

Medical research

'Darwinian' test uncovers an antidepressant's hidden toxicity

Because of undetected toxicity problems, about a third of prescription drugs approved in the U.S. are withdrawn from the market or require added warning labels limiting their use. An exceptionally sensitive toxicity test ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How a walk in nature restores attention

New research from University of Utah psychology researchers is helping prove what American authors John Muir and Henry David Thoreau tried to teach more than 150 years ago: Time spent in nature is good for the heart and soul.

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