Page 3 - University of Washington School of Medicine


Targeting tau, the other protein behind Alzheimer's disease

In November, researchers reported the drug lecanemab slowed the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The effect was modest, but it has generated tremendous excitement because it was the first time a drug had been shown to ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New insights on antibody responses to omicron variants

Knowing how well vaccination against one SARS-Co-V2 strain (with or without previous infection) counteracts infection with a different strain is a critical research question. The answers could guide strategies to continue ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

COVID-19 damages placenta's immune response, study finds

If a woman contracts COVID-19 during her pregnancy, the infection, even if it's mild, damages the placenta's immune response to further infections, a UW Medicine-led study has found.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Gene-edited malaria vaccine warrants further study

Findings from a preliminary human study of an experimental, genetically attenuated malaria parasite immunization show this vaccine warrants further exploration.


Booster shots offset some of omicron's immune evasion tactics

Although omicron subvariants of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic coronavirus have evolved to evade antibody responses from the primary COVID-19 vaccine series, a new laboratory study suggests current vaccine boosters may elicit sufficient ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

IUD perforation is rare, but women should still know about it

Women who choose to use an intrauterine device, or IUD, for birth control should be aware of the very small possibility that the device could puncture their uterus. They should know how to recognize that circumstance if it ...


Gene that shapes mutation rate found in mice

Every organism is born with a few mutations in their genome that differ genetically from both of their parents. Such changes in an individual's genetic code create the diversity that allows nature to select advantageous traits ...

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