Page 18 - University of Waterloo

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nationality likely a key factor in life-and-death decisions

People making decisions about life-and-death situations consider individuals' nationalities when deciding who should be sacrificed to save others, according to a study out of the University of Waterloo.


Truck driver pain and discomfort can be alleviated

Almost 60 per cent of truck drivers in a recent Canadian study reported experiencing musculoskeletal (MSD) pain and discomfort on the job, even though it may be preventable.


How to help protect yourself from vaccine administration injury

A study by researchers at the University of Waterloo reiterates the need for health care professionals, including pharmacists, to take certain precautions to minimize the risk of their patients suffering shoulder injury related ...


Study shows how the brain controls food cravings

A newly published study from the University of Waterloo shows that when activity in a specific part of the brain is suppressed, our desire for high-calorie foods increases.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A bad mood may help your brain with everyday tasks

New research found that being in a bad mood can help some people's executive functioning, such as their ability to focus attention, manage time and prioritize tasks. The same study found that a good mood has a negative effect ...

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