Page 14 - Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Oncology & Cancer

Research identifies new target that may prevent blood cancer

An international coalition of biomedical researchers co-led by Alexander Bick, MD, Ph.D., at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has determined a new way to measure the growth rate of precancerous clones of blood stem cells ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Children with autism benefit from theater-based program

Children with autism who participated in a 10-week, 40-hour, theatre-based program showed significant differences in social ability compared to a group of children with autism who did not participate, according to a Vanderbilt ...


Kidney disease gene found to also have a protective mutation

African Americans have long been known to be at increased risk of kidney disease due to a dangerous genetic mutation that creates a hole in the kidney cells, but Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) researchers have ...


Family's participation key to advancing diabetes research

Individuals with Type 1 diabetes have a smaller pancreas than people without diabetes. This is surprising because insulin-producing beta cells account for just a small fraction of the pancreas, so the loss of beta cells in ...

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