Page 4 - VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)

Medical research

Studying the human brain in mice

The human brain is a tricky study subject. Brain scans are still limited in resolution and the knowledge they can provide, and in vitro approaches are not yet able to fully replicate the important micro-environment of brain ...

Medical research

A PoEM on breast cancer metastasis

When breast cancer cells spread through the body, they do so mainly through the lymph system that normally removes excess fluid and waste products from our tissues. Now, scientists from the group of Professor Massimiliano ...


To become, or not to become a neuron

Researchers led by Pierre Vanderhaeghen and Jérôme Bonnefont (VIB-KU Leuven and ULB) have unraveled a mechanism controlling the switch between growth and differentiation of neural stem cells during brain development. They ...

Oncology & Cancer

Salty diet reduces tumor growth by tackling immune cells

A study by an international research team led by Professor Markus Kleinewietfeld (VIB-UHasselt) shows that high salt intake inhibits tumor growth in mice. The effect seems to be due to a change in function of certain immune ...

Oncology & Cancer

Toward a safer treatment for leukemia

An international team of researchers at VIB-KU Leuven, Belgium, the U.K. Dementia Institute and the Children's Cancer Institute, Australia, have found a safer treatment for a specific type of leukemia. By refining a therapeutic ...

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