Page 4 - Weizmann Institute of Science


Gut microbes may drive weight gain after smoking cessation

Cigarette smoking, practiced by over a billion people worldwide, is considered a leading cause of disease, accounting for over six million deaths each year. Many people don't quit smoking, despite expressing a desire to do ...


Blocking distraction: How growing blood vessels do it all

Growing blood vessels are experts at multitasking. Not only do cells in their walls divide, they must also sprout in new directions while learning to specialize, ultimately becoming part of vein, artery or lymphatic vessels. ...


When the brain's GPS goes off the grid

In a new study published in Nature today, Weizmann Institute of Science researchers, in collaboration with colleagues from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, unveiled for the first time how three-dimensional space is represented ...

Medical research

A natural food supplement may relieve anxiety

A natural food supplement reduces anxiety in mice, according to a new Weizmann Institute of Science study. The plant-derived substance, beta-sitosterol, was found to produce this effect both on its own and in synergic combination ...


Brain research gets a boost from mosquitoes

Can a protein found in a mosquito lead to a better understanding of the workings of our own brains? Prof. Ofer Yizhar and his team in the Weizmann Institute of Science's Neurobiology Department took a light-sensitive protein ...

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