Page 3 - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers crack genetic code of rare kidney cancer

The genetic code of a rare form of kidney cancer, called reninoma, has been studied for the first time. In a paper, published in Nature Communications, researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Great Ormond Street Hospital ...

Oncology & Cancer

Key human bladder cancer genes pinpointed in cats and dogs

Key bladder cancer genes have been uncovered through studying the cancers in cats and dogs, in a significant stride for finding which of many mutations are the most important in the cancer's development.


New tool uncovers COVID-19 susceptibility mechanism

Researchers have discovered a mechanism for COVID-19 susceptibility using a newly created tool. The tool, GASPACHO, captures dynamic changes in gene expression along the innate immune response, allowing researchers to identify ...

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