Page 6 - Wellcome Trust

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A single compound could treat three parasitic diseases

Scientists have identified a compound that can kill the parasites responsible for three neglected diseases: Chagas disease, leishmaniasis and sleeping sickness. These diseases affect millions of people in Latin America, Asia ...


No Hib booster needed by vaccinated infants in Kenya

A 15-year study carried out in Kilifi, Kenya and funded by the Wellcome Trust and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has shown that there is no need to give a Hib booster to toddlers to extend immunity into later childhood. The study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploding the nuclear family

Lesley and John Brown had been trying to conceive for nine years. The ongoing failures took their toll: Lesley became depressed, and at one point suggested that John find a "normal woman".

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