Page 7 - Wellcome Trust

Medical research

Is the 'longevity gene' nearing the end of its life?

Sirtuins, proteins believed to significantly increase lifespan in a number of organisms – and the claimed target of some anti-ageing creams – do not, in fact, affect animal longevity, according to new research funded ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Shrinking brain could aid diagnosis of clinical depression

(Medical Xpress) -- Parts of the brain appear to shrink when people suffer from severe depression, according to research funded by the Wellcome Trust and the National Institute for Health Research.


Guiding light: how the brain gets wired for stereo vision

(Medical Xpress) -- Nerve cells that transmit light signals from the eye into the brain use a molecule best known for its role in blood vessel growth as a ‘stepping stone’ to help them reach the opposite brain hemisphere, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our focus can silence the noisy world around us

(Medical Xpress) -- How can someone with perfectly normal hearing become deaf to the world around them when their mind is on something else? New research funded by the Wellcome Trust suggests that focusing heavily on a task ...

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