Search results for covid injections


How to treat spring allergies: A graduated approach

Spring brings warmer weather, but for allergy sufferers, it also means sneezing, wheezing and itchy eyes. Instead of enjoying the season, you may be battling congestion and brain fog. So, what can you do to manage your spring ...

Medical research

Nasal COVID-19 vaccine to enter US clinical trials

A nasal vaccine for COVID-19—based on technology developed at Washington University in St. Louis—is poised to enter a phase 1 clinical trial in the U.S. after an investigational new drug application from Ocugen, Inc. ...


Doctors test a new way to help people quit fentanyl 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when fentanyl overdoses surged, doctors were desperate to find ways of helping their patients. They knew that buprenorphine could help people stop using opioids, but it was much harder to start ...

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