Search results for synesthesia

Psychology & Psychiatry

Associating colours with vowels? Almost everyone does

Does [a:] as in baa sound more green or more red? And is [i:] as in beet light or dark in colour? Even though we perceive speech and colour are perceived with different sensory organs, nearly everyone has an idea about what ...


Researchers induce a form of synesthesia with hypnosis

Hypnosis can alter the way certain individuals information process information. A new phenomenon has been identified by researchers from the University of Skövde in Sweden and the University of Turku in Finland. They have ...


The language of senses

Sight, touch and hearing are our windows to the world: these sensory channels send a constant flow of information to the brain, which acts to sort out and integrate these signals, allowing us to perceive the world and interact ...


Sensory connections spill over in synesthesia

Neuroscientists at Emory University have found that people who experience a mixing of the senses, known as synesthesia, are more sensitive to associations everyone has between the sounds of words and visual shapes. The results ...


Why some people hear colour, taste sounds

Researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) have shed new light on synesthesia - the effect of hearing colours, seeing sounds and other cross-sensory phenomena.

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