See also stories tagged with Osteoblast

Search results for osteoblasts


Double-stranded RNA induces bone loss during gum disease

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology researchers reported on a new discovery regarding the mechanisms for bone loss in gum disease (periodontitis). They found that double stranded RNA molecules can activate the ...

Medical research

Scientists reveal how chronic liver injury causes bone loss

A research team led by Prof. Chen Di from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences along with other collaborators have revealed the molecular mechanisms behind bone loss caused ...


Osteomodulin is a novel biomarker of vascular calcification

In a new study conducted by researchers at the group Vascular Surgery, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, osteomodulin was identified as a novel biomarker for vascular calcification. The results of the study were ...

Biomedical technology

Bone-building cells favor different orthopedic implant designs

New orthopedic implant devices that promote faster healing and ultimately reduce the strain on the NHS could be available in the future thanks to new research by Loughborough University engineering experts that reveals which ...

Medical research

New target may help protect bones as we age

Drugs we take like prednisone can weaken our bones and so can aging, and scientists working to prevent both have some of the first evidence that the best target may not be the logical one.

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