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Obstetrics & gynaecology

Centering childbirth coping strategies back to women

A proposed framework by La Trobe University's Judith Lumley Center, in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, is challenging traditional categorizations of coping strategies in a bid to promote autonomy and create empowering ...


Experts say US hospitals are prone to cyberattacks

In the wake of a debilitating cyberattack against one of the nation's largest health care systems, Marvin Ruckle, a nurse at an Ascension hospital in Wichita, Kansas, said he had a frightening experience: He nearly gave a ...


New 3D models of the colon can help detect disease more rapidly

Using just a single image taken by a capsule endoscopy camera, scientists have succeeded in creating a three-dimensional model of the colon. This new method provides much better images and can help specialists detect disease ...

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