Sleep disorders

Growth hormone increases bone formation in obese women

In a new study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), growth hormone replacement for six months was found to increase bone formation in abdominally obese women.


Vitamin D study suggests no mortality benefit for older women

Doctors agree that vitamin D promotes bone health, but a belief that it can also prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and other causes of death has been a major health controversy. Consistent with advice issued last fall ...


'One weird trick' to cut belly fat? Follow a heart-healthy diet

Do you wish you could decrease your waistline? Reducing abdominal obesity can lower health risks—but despite claims you may have seen on the Internet, no trending diet can help you specifically eliminate belly fat, according ...

Overweight & Obesity

Night shift work linked to an increased risk of obesity

In an analysis of 28 published studies, night shift work was associated with a 29% increased risk of becoming obese or overweight. The findings, which are published in Obesity Reviews, suggest that modifying working schedules ...

Overweight & Obesity

Childhood obesity unevenly distributed in Norway

Overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity are distributed unevenly among children in Norway. Maternal education level, parental marital status and whether the child lives in urban or rural areas all play a role. These findings ...

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