
US judge delays state's abortion law

(AP)—A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked a new North Dakota law that bans abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected—as early as six weeks into pregnancy, calling the law "clearly invalid and unconstitutional."


Irish deputies back abortion in limited cases

Irish lawmakers voted early Friday to back controversial new legislation that will allow abortion in limited cases, after the death last year of an Indian woman due to complications from her pregnancy.


US state moves forward on strictest abortion laws (Update)

North Dakota moved closer Friday to having the strictest abortion laws in the U.S., with its House of Representatives approving a measure that would outlaw the procedure after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the disputed premise ...


Governor approves strictest abortion ban in US (Update)

(AP)—A Republican governor signed legislation Tuesday on the strictest abortion law in the country, banning the procedure if a fetal heartbeat can be detected—which can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.


Only Miss. abortion clinic can't comply with law

Mississippi's only abortion clinic has missed a Friday deadline to comply with a new state law that requires each of its physicians to get hospital admitting privileges—a law the governor said he signed with the hopes of ...


High court asked to block morning-after pill rule

(AP)—Hobby Lobby Stores is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block part of the federal health care law that requires it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar emergency contraception pills.


Irish government to legalize life-saving abortion (Update)

Ireland's government pledged Tuesday to pass a law soon that will allow women to receive abortions if continued pregnancy threatens their lives—including from their own threats to commit suicide if denied one.

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