
Abortion rate steady in poor nations, plunging in rich ones

The rate of abortions in the developed world has dropped to an all-time low while remaining steady in poorer regions, where nearly 90 percent of the abortions worldwide occur, researchers say in a new study published Wednesday ...


Zika fear reignites Brazil's abortion debate

The Zika virus scare is reopening debate over abortion in Brazil, where some are asking the painful question: is it right to risk having a baby with microcephaly?


US appeals court rules against strict state abortion law

A U.S. appeals court affirmed a ruling Wednesday that struck down one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country: a North Dakota law that bans abortions when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can be as early ...


Supreme Court won't revive North Carolina abortion law

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal from North Carolina to revive a requirement that abortion providers show and describe an ultrasound to a pregnant woman before she has an abortion.


Judge throws out part of suit against Louisiana abortion law

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that Louisiana's law requiring abortion clinic doctors to gain hospital admitting privileges could pose too great an obstacle to abortions even though there's a rational reason for the law.

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