Obstetrics & gynaecology

Walgreens will not sell abortion pills in 20 Republican states

After receiving a warning letter from Republican attorneys general in 20 states, Walgreens said it does not plan to distribute abortion pills in those states—even in the ones where abortion is still legal.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Japan approves abortion pill for the first time

The abortion pill will become available in Japan for the first time after the health ministry approved the drug used to terminate early-stage pregnancy.


As 'abortion pill' turns 15, debate rages on

Fifteen years after its approval in the United States, the drug mifepristone is used in nearly a quarter of all abortions, a proportion that has grown steadily even as the national abortion rate has fallen to a historic low.


High court asked to block morning-after pill rule

(AP)—Hobby Lobby Stores is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block part of the federal health care law that requires it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill and similar emergency contraception pills.

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