
Opioid crisis brings concerns about heart dangers

Dan Willard doesn't remember a thing from those fateful 48 hours. Not what happened to the 32 pills of prescribed painkiller—nor how his daughter dragged his body from the chair to the floor so she could follow the emergency ...


How do the effects of childhood abuse extend into middle age?

Childhood sexual abuse can lead to depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease and other health problems later in life. Not all abused children experience these problems, however, and researchers are working to understand ...


Experts discuss preventing sexual abuse and harassment in sport

An investigation by the CBC has revealed that at least 222 coaches who were involved in amateur sports in Canada have been convicted of sexual offences over the past 20 years. These cases involved more than 600 victims under ...


Child neglect linked to teen pregnancy

Children who experience neglect are seven times more likely than other abuse victims to have a teen pregnancy say University of Queensland researchers.

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