
Brain activity differentiates between types of social influence

Researchers led by Ali Mahmoodi at the University of Freiburg in Germany have characterized brain activity that occurs when we are socially influenced to change our minds. Publishing in PLOS Biology on March 3rd, the study ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How to help a friend struggling with body image

It's common to feel uncomfortable with different aspects of our bodies or to want to make small changes here and there. However, sometimes this dissatisfaction can start to become a burden on our mental and physical health. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We are less skeptical of genetic engineering than assumed

We often hear that Swiss consumers want their agriculture to be free from genetic engineering. But consumer acceptance of genetically modified crops is likely to be higher than the media leads us to believe, Angela Bearth ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Acceptability of assessment app low in schizophrenia patients

(HealthDay)—Acceptability of a passive smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) app is relatively low among individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, according to a study published in the July issue ...

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