Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New algorithm for classification of skin lesions

Dermatologists typically classify skin lesions based on multiple data sources. Algorithms that fuse the information together can support this classification. An international research team has now developed an algorithm that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Multitarget fecal immunochemical test ups diagnostic accuracy

(HealthDay)—A multitarget fecal immunochemical test (mtFIT) shows better diagnostic accuracy for detecting advanced neoplasia than standard FIT tests, according to a study published online July 20 in the Annals of Internal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Bio-inspired algorithm detects early signs of breast cancer

A computer algorithm based on a biological process could be used to detect breast cancer more effectively, according to new research published in the International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications. A team ...


You snooze, you lose—with some sleep trackers

Wearable sleep tracking devices—from Fitbit to Apple Watch to never-heard-of brands stashed away in the electronics clearance bin—have infiltrated the market at a rapid pace in recent years.


The problem with doctor rating websites

Online rating sites for doctors are growing in popularity and influence, but the accuracy of information they contain can be lacking, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

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