
Researchers combat e-cigarette lung injury epidemic

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 1 in every 20 Americans uses electronic cigarettes or vapes—with many being middle and high school students. There has been an uptick in e-cigarette ...

Medical research

Study reveals how altered gut microbes cause obesity

Obesity is linked to changes in our gut microbes—the trillions of tiny organisms that inhabit our intestines. But the mechanism has not been clear. In a new study published in Nature, a Yale-led team of researchers has ...

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An acetate (pronounced /ˈæsɪteɪt/) is a derivative of acetic acid. This term includes salts and esters, as well as the anion found in solution. Most of the approximately 5 billion kilograms of acetic acid produced annually in industry are used in the production of acetates, which usually take the form of polymers. In nature, acetate is the most common building block for biosynthesis. For example, the fatty acids are produced by connecting C2 units derived from acetate.

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