Medical research

A soft spot for stem cells helps cornea healing

New research led by scientists at Newcastle University, UK reveals a potential revolutionary way to treat eye injuries and prevent blindness—by softening the tissue hosting the stem cells which then helps repair wounds, ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

A new treatment for gout lowers the urinary acid level in the body

Gout is an inflammatory disease that can cause very painful attacks. The illness is also called podagral, or colloquially "The Captain's syndrome". It primarily affects men, particularly over 40 years of age. Symptoms of ...


Reducing risk of cardiovascular disease

There is more to consider than just cholesterol levels when it comes to cardiovascular health. Experts at Baylor College of Medicine say even if you have lowered your cholesterol and have been prescribed statins, new data ...


The benefits of heart health supplements come with cautions

We've all heard the advice to take a fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids to improve heart health, but are you actually getting the benefits they claim to provide? One Baylor College of Medicine cardiologist says probably not, ...

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