Medical research

Scientists flex their muscles to solve an old problem

( -- In a famous experiment first performed more than 220 years ago, Italian physician Luigi Galvani discovered that the muscles of a frog's leg twitch when an electric voltage is applied. An international group ...


Scientists identify a key driver of myelin repair

New research from scientists at the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford University has identified a key driver of myelination, the formation of protective fatty sheaths around nerve fibers.

Medical research

Detailed picture of how myoV 'walks' along actin tracks

A new study in the Journal of General Physiology uses state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopy to provide a striking 3-D picture of how class V myosins (myoV) "walk" along their actin track.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuronal cytoskeletons involved in Alzheimer's disease

A researcher at the UPV/EHU participated in a study describing the loss of dynamics and subsequent impairment of the dendritic spines in Alzheimer's disease. Dendritic spines are the compartments of neurons responsible for ...


Faulty cytoskeleton impairs immune cells

In order to move, a body needs a strong scaffold. This is not only true on a macroscopic level, where animals rely on skeletons to support their muscles. It is also true on a cellular level: The cytoskeleton, composed of ...

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