
Drugmaker settles US Zantac cancer case

British pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline said Friday it has settled a US lawsuit which had alleged heartburn drug Zantac caused cancer, but admitted no liability.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cannabis use in teens raises risk of depression in young adults

While there has been a lot of focus on the role of cannabis use in psychosis, there has been less attention on whether cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of common mental health disorders, such as depression ...

Medical research

Nicotine exploits COPI to foster addiction

A study in The Journal of General Physiology helps explain how nicotine exploits the body's cellular machinery to promote addiction. The findings could lead to new therapies to help people quit smoking.


President says Argentina to produce Russian COVID vaccine

Argentina President Alberto Fernandez on Friday announced the South American country would begin producing the Russian Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine following a virtual meeting with his counterpart Vladimir Putin.

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