Oncology & Cancer

Few oncologists refer patients to weight management programs

(HealthDay)—While oncology providers are aware of the link between obesity and cancer, few provide referrals to support patients' lifestyle changes, according to a study published online May 16 in the Journal of Oncology ...


Personalized pain management

There is an urgent need to identify reliable predictors of opioid responses to develop personalized opioid therapy for chronic pain management. A goal is to target opioid therapy to patients most likely to benefit from treatment ...


It takes more than a bribe to get some people to exercise

Getting people to exercise isn't as easy as dangling money in front of them like a carrot in front of a hungry horse. It turns out it's better to show them the money, and then threaten to take it away.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

New recommendations guide arthritis pain management

(HealthDay)—The European League Against Rheumatism has released recommendations—published in the June issue of the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases—for health professionals to use in approaching pain management in inflammatory ...

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